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Drug Rehab Delaware
Drug addiction problems in Delaware have steadily become worse over the last several years; thus the demand for quality drug rehab programs in the state has increased. Individuals in Delaware are sometimes disappointed with the limited number of drug rehab options that are available for the treatment of drug addiction. What most people do not realize, is how important it is to put into place a drug rehabilitation program at the first hint of a drug addiction. A sense of urgency is necessary because the longer it takes to set a drug treatment plan in motion, the more time the addict has to minimize their drug addiction and change their mind about being admitted to a drug rehab facility. In choosing a Delaware drug rehab, it is important to choose a treatment facility that has a high rate of success in treating drug addiction. Do not shy away from asking the important questions regarding the drug treatment process. The most important goal of a Delaware drug rehab center should be to support the addict in overcoming their addiction by developing a personalized treatment plan according to their individual needs. There are so many different types of Delaware drug rehab options, such as short term, long term, inpatient or outpatient and there are various ways that each center may administer the various components of the treatment that is offered.
Often, by the time an individual is ready to accept drug rehabilitation, the drug addiction has already costs them a lot; they may have lost their job, destroyed many of their personal relationships, or even experienced legal problems. The cost to the workplace in Delaware in terms of lost productivity and accidents is increasing, along with the number of automobile accidents that are directly linked to the use of alcohol and various types of drug use. Drug related crimes in Delaware are on the rise, as is also the case in a majority of many of the states in the U.S. today. For these reasons, the need for quality Delaware drug rehabilitation for the treatment of drug addiction is obvious. Individuals who suffer from a drug addiction can experience many health problems as a result of their substance abuse. Many times, only after an addict has lost almost everything due to the drug addiction, will they succumb to a drug rehab program.
Most people in Delaware do not have a chance of overcoming their drug addiction without the support of a drug rehab center. The first thing than an individual has to do to be free from a drug addiction is to detox from the substance. In the detoxification process, the individual will experience the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms; this is where the support of professionals at a drug rehab facility is necessary; the staff can help the individual to successfully complete this important component of treatment. Once an individual successfully completes the detox process in a drug rehabilitation center, they can move forward to complete the other phases of treatment for their drug addiction.
- According the Delaware Office of Narcotics and dangerous drugs, "doctor shopping" has become an increasingly serious problem in the state; the number of investigations that are related to this practice has increased dramatically in the last several years.
- Heroin, cocaine, marijuana and crack cocaine are the most easily accessible, popular, and highly trafficked illegal drugs in Delaware.
- MDMS (ecstasy) is readily available in Delaware; typical users of club drugs in this state are of various ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.
- Because of its proximity to New York and Philadelphia, Delaware is a lower-level source city that is accessible to drug trafficking organizations for the distribution of drugs.
- Cocaine, in both powder and crack forms, remains popular and readily accessible in Delaware.
- Due to the availability and the ease of smoking, crack cocaine use continues to increase in the state of Delaware.
- Heroin is primarily available in northern Delaware, as distributors of the drug relocate from major cities, such to escape the attention of law enforcement.
- A cheaper, higher purity type of heroin over the last few years has caused concern in Delaware because of the growing heroin problem in the state that reaches all socioeconomic backgrounds.
- The availability of Methamphetamine in the state of Delaware is limited except that it appears to be readily available to those who visit Rehoboth Beach during the summer vacation months.
- The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in the state of Delaware has indicated that that organizations that transport Methamphetamine, do so by various methods, including via express mail and parcel services.
- The majority of Meth that is used in Delaware is supplied by local traffickers.
- Heroin is most popular in Delaware among teens and young adults; these individuals often combine the drug with alcohol or other drugs, which can result in a deadly drug overdose.
- Adults remain the predominant users of marijuana in Delaware.
- The primary source of marijuana distribution in Delaware is by way of the U.S. southwest border region which includes Texas, California and Mexico.
- Drug seizures by the Delaware DEA have indicated that "home grown" marijuana operation is growing in the state.
- In the state of Delaware, the perception of heroin only being a problem in the major metropolitan area is no longer accurate.
- A variety of diverted pharmaceutical drugs, such as Oxycodone products are available to users in Delaware, but because it is more difficult to obtain in this state, many users are switching to heroin.
If you have an addiction problem, or if someone you love is being destroyed because of substance abuse, take the first positive step. Contact a Deleware drug rehab facility today; except for a drug or alcohol addiction, what have you got to lose?
Treatment Centers by City
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- Wilmington
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- Dover
- New Castle
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- Georgetown
- Claymont
- Lewes
- Laurel
- Rehoboth Beach
- Selbyville
- Townsend
- Ellendale
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Delaware Drug Information and Drug Trafficking
Delaware drug trafficking reports show that heroin, powder cocaine, crack cocaine, and marijuana are the four most available and popular illegal drugs abused in the state. However, clandestinely manufactured drugs, such as methamphetamine and club drugs, such as MDMA (ecstasy), are also readily available to users of various ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. While OxyContin appears to be less available; other diverted pharmaceutical drugs remain available to users in Delaware.
Wilmington, Delaware (the largest city in the state) is located on the Interstate 95 corridor, the East Coast's most frequently traveled highway that runs from Boston, through New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC, to Miami. Due to its location and proximity to Philadelphia and New York, Wilmington has become a lower-level source city that is accessible both to trafficking organizations looking to move operations from major cities as well as to distributors from within Delaware and from surrounding areas in southeastern Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Philadelphia's street corner distribution networks are generally considered the main sources of supply for drugs sold to users in Delaware, intelligence indicates that local distribution networks are also directly supplied by trafficking organizations based in New York. Heroin trafficking and distribution are the DEA Philadelphia Division's top enforcement priorities.
Investigations reveal that drug trafficking organizations, in search of new customers, higher profits, and less law enforcement, are relocating from the inner city neighborhoods of Pennsylvania and New York into Delaware. This trend remains a significant concern to state and local law enforcement, community, and treatment officials.
Law enforcement officials in Delaware are concerned about the availability of various drugs to teenagers and young adults during the summer months at Rehoboth Beach. Recent investigations revealed that the influx of visitors to this beach community during the summer results in an increased availability of methamphetamine, MDMA (ecstasy), and GHB to individuals who go to nightclubs or attend rave parties there.
Cocaine, in powder and crack forms, remains increasingly available and popular in Delaware. Both forms are available in various quantities to users located both in the inner city neighborhoods of Wilmington as well as in smaller cities and towns across the state. Quantities of powder cocaine are also available to local distributors who convert or "cook" the powder cocaine into crack cocaine.
Due to its wide availability and relative ease of use (smoking), the popularity and use of crack cocaine continues to increase in Delaware. Philadelphia and New York City remain the primary source areas of cocaine distributed in Delaware. While some distributors continue to travel to Philadelphia to purchase cocaine and crack cocaine, distributors also travel to New York to purchase large quantities of powder cocaine for distribution to local users or to "cook" and sell as crack cocaine. However, as with heroin, more recent reports indicate that traffickers and distributors from source areas are moving into Wilmington to distribute large quantities of cocaine.
Northern Delaware is the primary source of heroin in the state, as distributors relocate from source cities (Philadelphia and New York) to Wilmington in order to escape the attention of law enforcement, attract new customers, and sell to existing customers from surrounding areas, including southeastern Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Wilmington is now a heroin drug trafficking area and distribution point in addition to the widely known Philadelphia area. The relocation of trafficking and distribution organizations over the last few years resulted in the increased availability of heroin in locations once dominated by powder cocaine, crack cocaine, and other drugs - including Delaware.
The increasing availability of cheaper, higher purity heroin over the last few years has caused concern in Delaware over a growing heroin use problem that reaches all socioeconomic backgrounds. Heroin is popular among teens and young adults, who consume heroin either by itself or in combination with cocaine or alcohol, a combination that typically leads to overdose deaths. In Delaware, the perception of heroin remaining a problem only in the region's major metropolitan areas is no longer accurate.
Though not nearly as popular as heroin, cocaine, or crack cocaine, methamphetamine is attractive because of its longer lasting high and because users can easily produce their own methamphetamine with readily available recipes, precursor chemicals or ingredients, and equipment.
Delaware has not seen the major surge of meth abuse as the rest of the country. However, the drug is generally available in limited quantities throughout the state. According to recent investigations, meth is readily available to those who visit the Rehoboth Beach area during the summer months.
The majority of the methamphetamine used in Delaware is supplied by local traffickers who manufacture or produce it themselves as well as by major trafficking organizations operating in California and Mexico. Intelligence indicates that these organizations transport methamphetamine into Delaware using a variety of methods, including private vehicles, commercial bus luggage, and packages shipped via express mail and parcel services.
MDMA (ecstasy) is primarily available at rave parties and nightclubs in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach (particularly during the summer), but remains available to and popular among teenagers and young adults on college campuses across the state. Gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), the GHB precursor gamma butyrolactone (GBL), and ketamine are also available and are used in popular Delaware nightclubs. Philadelphia and New York City are the primary source areas for the retail quantities of MDMA available in Delaware.
Investigations also indicate that MDMA is smuggled by Israeli and Dutch nationals as well as by members of Russian and Israeli organized crime groups from the Netherlands, through Canada, the Caribbean, New York, and Pennsylvania. Wholesale quantities of MDMA tablets are also shipped and transported directly into Delaware via mail/parcel services or couriers who fly into major international airports, including nearby Philadelphia International Airport, with suitcases or wearing clothing that conceals tablets.
Marijuana is readily accessible in varying quantities in Delaware; meaning that the drug is easily obtained and used by individuals from a variety of ethnic populations and socioeconomic sectors. Recreational use of marijuana is popular among high school and college age students. Adults remain the predominant users of marijuana, especially in large social gatherings, such as rock concerts. Reports indicate that marijuana is typically smoked in combination with crack cocaine, heroin, and PCP.
The primary source area of marijuana distributed in Delaware is the US southwest border region, including Texas, Arizona, California, and Mexico. Various means of transport are typically employed by traffickers transporting large quantities of marijuana into the state, including concealing it among loads in tractor-trailers, private vehicles, and in passenger luggage on commercial aircraft, buses, and trains. The US Postal Service and parcel shipping companies (e.g. UPS, Fedex) are also used to transport marijuana. Smaller amounts of marijuana are "home-grown," as recent reports of indoor and outdoor marijuana grow seizures indicate that smaller growing operations are active in Delaware.
Delaware has its share of diverted pharmaceutical drugs. Oxycodone products remained among the most frequently diverted and used pharmaceutical drugs in the state. According to reports, OxyContin�' is more expensive and more difficult to obtain in Delaware and as a result, users are switching to heroin.
Other oxycodone products, however, such as Percodan�', Percocet�', Tylox�', and Roxicet�' remain popular in Delaware. Methadone is also popular and available in the state. Tablet forms of hydrocodone products, such as Vicodin�', Lortab�', and Lorcet�', and cough syrups, such as Tussionex�' and Hycodan�', remain popular in Delaware.
The most common methods of diverting pharmaceutical drugs are theft, fraud, direct wholesale purchases, physicians and other health care professionals prescribing controlled substances for people with no legitimate medical need, and prescription forgery. According to the Delaware Office of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, another form of diversion, "doctor shopping," has become an increasingly serious problem, such that the number of related investigations increased dramatically in the last several years.
Large-scale diversion from independent and chain retail pharmacies remains a problem in Delaware, while illegitimate internet pharmacies are examples of the relatively new phenomenon of employing the internet to facilitate and cover up criminal activity.
Wilmington, DE. 19805
Ellendale, DE. 19941
Newark, DE. 19713
New Castle, DE. 19720
Millsboro, DE. 19966
Georgetown, DE. 19947
Dover, DE. 19901
Rehoboth Beach, DE. 19971
Seaford, DE. 19973
Claymont, DE. 19703
Lewes, DE. 19958
Selbyville, DE. 19975
Laurel, DE. 19956